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Apakah anda membutuhkan partner atau konsultan riset sosial dan kebudayaan untuk konteks Kalimantan? Atau mencari narasumber tentang masyarakat dan kebudayaan di Kalimantan? Mungkin saja jodoh saya untuk  bekerja sama dengan Anda. Ijinkan saya memperkenalkan diri di sini.


Jl. Muara Muntai Kampus Gunung Kelua, Samarinda, Indonesia
Email: martinus.nanang@fisip.unmul.ac.id

Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara no. 7, Samarinda 75123, Indonesia.
E-mail: shirokanedai009@gmail.com.

Director, JARINGAN PEMBANGUNAN SOSIAL KALIMANTAN (JAPSIKA). Virtual office. japsika.utama@gmail.com

  • Place and year of birth: Engkuni-Pasek, West Kutai District, Indonesia, 1960.
  • Nationality: Indonesian.
  • Youtube: @InsideBorneo, @BelajarSkripsi, @MartinusNanang, @SanctaSapientiaYK.
  • Research Gate: Martinus Nanang
  • Academia: Martinus Nanang
  • Google Scholar: Martinus Nanang
  • Ph. D Rompaku Program, The University of Tokyo. The study was not completed for personal reason. 
  • Magistratum Artium (MA) in Socio-cultural Anthropology, Ateneo de Manila University, Manila, Philippines.
  • BA (Indonesian: Doktorandus/Drs) in philosophy and Education, Sanata Dharma University in Jogyakarta, Indonesia.


As a trained social and cultural anthropologist he has extensive experience since 1997 in research on local forest use and management that includes study on local community behavior, values, norms, social structures, social relations and conflict. He is also rich in experience of community development, where he engaged in non-governmental organization working on advocacy of indigenous peoples’ rights and strengthening of local people’s economy through credit union (1995-2008). He is currently chair of Credit Union Solidaritas Borneo (CUSBor) and director of Borneo Jaringan Pembangunan Sosial Kalimantan (JAPSIKA).  

His international experience in scientific field started in 1998 when he involved for six years (until 2004) in several researches, international seminars, workshops and conferences, in forest conservation with Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan. Then in 2009 as a visiting fellow at Laboratory of Global Forest Environmental Studies (GFES), Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, and in 2019 as visiting scholar at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.

He has some experiences in using social mapping and participatory research methods such as PRA, RRA, and PAR. These methods have been used in his field activities. He has been a lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Mulawarman University since 1990 teaching topics in cultural anthropology, environmental sociology, sociology of religion, critical sociology, postmodernism, community empowerment, social development, social capital, kinship, social structure, multiculturalism, social network analysis, social research method, philosophy of science, and foundations of logic. He is also a core researcher at Center for Social Forestry (CSF) of Mulawarman University since 1997.

Since 2020 he loves making videos and has produced numerous insightful videos in his Youtube channels, Tik Tok and Snack Video. 


  1. Since 1990: Lecturer at Department of Social Development, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Mulawarman University, Samarinda.
  2. Since 1997: Core researcher at the Center for Social Forestry (CSF), Mulawarman University, Samarinda, Indonesia. (1998-2004: inactive).
  3. 2019: Visiting scholar, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Waseda University, Japan.
  4. 2014: Co-founder and head of Credit Union Solidaritas Borneo (CUSBor), a cooperative/financial institution for community economic empowerment.
  5. 2014: Co-founder and Deputy Director,  Jaringan Pembangunan Social Kalimantan (JAPSIKA) or Network of Kalimantan Social Development, formerly named Borneo Institute for Community Empowerment (BICE).  
  6. 2009: Visiting Research Fellow, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Laboratoy of Global Forest Environmental Studies (GFES), The University of Tokyo, Japan.
  7. 1993-1995; 2005-2008: Director, Puti Jaji, Local NGO in Samarinda. The NGO concentrates on the empowerment of the indigenous peoples of East Kalimantan.
  8. 1998-2004: Research fellow in Forest Conservation at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Hayama, Japan. From 2001 to 2004 Manager of the IGES Forest Conservation Project.

  1. 2024: Penelitian tentang Pengaruh perkebunan sawit terhadap kondisi kehidupan (ekologi, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya) masyarakat di Kabupaten Kutai Barat.
  2. 2024: Pemetaan sosial di wilayah kerja PT. BUMA, di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kutai Barat dan Kutai Timur. 
  3. 2024: Kajian sosial reklamasi bekas tambang dan reforesttasi di wilayah Ibu Kota Nusantara.2023: Social baseline research on Indonesia's New Capital City Nusantara. Collaborative work with EnviroSolutions (ESC). 
  4. 2023: Riset baseline sosial Ibu Kota Baru Indonesia di Nusantara. Collaborative work with EnviroSolutions (ESC). 
  5. 2022: Ethnic Salience in People’s Reaction to the Transfer of State Capital City to East Kalimantan.
  6. 2019-(2022): Mapping of Southeast Asian Studies sponsored by Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Program (SEASREP ), Manila Philippines. The research was conducted in 2019 and finalization delayed until 2022 because of Covid-19 pandemic.
  7. 2021: Research on Local Wisdom in Peat Forest Management in Four Villages of North Kalimantan, sponsored by GIZ Germany. Role: Expert in social and cultural-related matters.
  8. 2020-2021: Research on Social Vulnerability related to complete systematic land registration in agrarian reform acceleration in East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan, funded by the World Bank via Ministry of ATR/BPN. Role: Team leader.
  9. 2019: Preliminary study on social aspect of the transfer of the Capital City to East Kalimantan carried out by Kementerian PPN/Bappenas. Role: Researcher.
  10. 2018-2021: Collaborative Research with Prof. Inoue Makoto and Japanese researchers: “Institutional design for biodiversity conservation in Indonesian side of the Heart of Borneo: linking local reality with global issues” (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research/ KAKENHI by the Government of Japan). Role: Core team member.
  11. 2018: Research on Hudoq Dances for promotion of tourism among the Kayan, Bahau and Kenyah ethnic groups in the District of Mahakam Ulu.
  12. 2018: Impact of Migration and Remittances on Land Use and Forest Management di Malinau District.  Role: Research Coordinator for Kalimantan. Collaborative research between Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and Center for Social Forestry, Mulawarman University.
  13. 2016-2017: Road construction policy and street vendors in Samarinda, Balikpapan and Bontang. Role: Research advisor, supervisor and reviewer.
  14. 2016-2017: People’s participation in public decision making (formulation of local regulation) in the districts of Kutai Kartanegara, Kutai Timur and Kutai Barat. Role: Role: Research advisor, supervisor and reviewer.
  15. 2015: Communities’ Index of satisfaction Survey (Survei Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat) on CSR/Comdev Programs of Total E&P Indonesie. Role: Project Manager.
  16. 2015: Stakeholders Relation Management (SRM) survey on CSR/Comdev Programs of Total E&P Indonesie. Role: Project Manager.
  17. 2014: People’s Dependency on Forest in areas affected by oil palm plantation, coal mining, and areas with good forest, a commission research by Dewan Daerah Perubahan Iklim (Climate Change Council of East Kalimantan).
  18. 2014: Stakeholders Mapping in the Districts of West Kutai, Paser, Penajam Paser Utara, and Balikpapan, conducted in cooperation with PT. Hatfield Indonesia, Bogor. This was an assessment of social condition in preparation for the railway construction in East Kalimantan.
  19. 2014: An Assessment of the Social Impacts of PT. Gunung Gajah Abadi on Local Communities of the Patronage Villages.
  20. 2013: Social mapping in Five coastal Subdistricts of Kutai Kartanegara, funded by Total E&P Indonesie; coordinator for socio-cultural study.
  21. 2012-2013: An Assessment of Incentive Mechanisms to Promote Community Participation in RHL Programs in West Kutai District.  A collaborative Research by Center for Social Forestry (CSF) UNMUL and Global Forest Environmental Studies (GFES), The University of Tokyo, Japan.
  22. 2012: Adat and tradition of the Kayan People in Miau Baru, East Kalimantan: Dynamics of Social and cultural change. The report has been in book.  
  23. 2012: Environmental values in social contexts: A preliminary study in three residential areas of Samarinda City, funded by Mulawarman University Research Institute.
  24. 2012: Social Impact of Cash Transfer in Indonesia, East Kalimantan Team of the nationwide research organized by University of Indonesia and Oxford Policy Management Ltd.
  25. 2012: Ethnomedications by the Dayak People of East Kalimantan. 
  26. 2011-2012: Local People’s Attitude Toward Government-induced Community Forestry Program in West Kutai. A collaborative Research by Center for Social Forestry (CSF) UNMUL and Global Forest Environmental Studies (GFES), The University of Tokyo, Japan.
  27. 2011: Effectiveness of Adat Law in handling Land Dispute Settlement in West Kutai District.
  28. 2010: Developing a Stretegic Tourism Development for Malinau District, East Kalimantan.
  29. 2008: Research on the History and Cultural Profiles of the Tidung and Bulungan Ethnics in Malinau District, East Kalimantan. A project of Tourism Service of Malinau District.
  30. 2007: Evaluation of the Fifty-two Forestry Action of the West Kutai District, a small research supported by Prof. Dr. Inoue Makoto, The University of Tokyo.
  31. 2006: In search for the solution of Conflict between PT. IHM and local communities. A research funded by PT. IHM.
  32. 2005: “Forest Governance: Evaluation of the Fifty-two Action Plans of the West Kutai Forestry Development Program.” A research funded by the 21st Century Center of Excellence (COE) Program of the University of Tokyo, Japan, in cooperation with Center for Social Forestry, Mulawarman University.
  33. 2001-2004: Research on “forest use and management” in Muara Jawa (Tonyooi), Tanjung Jaan (Benuaq), dan Teluk Pandan/Taman Nasional Kutai (Bugis) as as research  project of IGES, Japan. The research used “Participatory Action Research.”
  34. 2000-2003: Research on “Political ecology of forest management” in Tanjung Jaan dan Muara Jawa’ among the Benua’ and Tunjung ethnic groups as a research project of the University of Tokyo.
  35. 2000: Research on “forest use and management” in Muara Begai dan Tanjung Jaan among the Benuaq ethnic group as a research project of IGES, Japan.
  36. 1999: Research on “forest use and management” in Muara Begai among the Benua’ ethnic group as a research project of IGES.
  37. 1998: Research on “forest use and management” in Matalibaq among the Bahau ethnic group as a research project of IGES.


  1. 2024: Study of Social Vulnerability in the Land Sector in Kutai Kartanegara. In Iya' Setyasih et al 2024 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1291 012023DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/1291/1/012023.
  2. 2022: Understanding Local Peoples’ Participation as “Means” and “Ends” in Protected Areas Management: A Qualitative Study in the Heart of Borneo: Journal of Sustainable Forestry: Vol 41, No 3-5 (tandfonline.com). Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B.
  3. 2022: Evaluation of the Welfare of Piece Workers at Oil Palm Plantations in West Kutai, East Kalimantan | Indonesian Journal of Community Services Cel (ijcomcel.org).
  4. 2022: Contribution of Sumalindo Company in Managing Forest Resources with Local Communities: Mahakam Ulu East Kalimantan. Java Based Distributed Learning Platform (davidpublisher.com)
  5. 2022: Analysis of the Lockdown Policy During the Covid-19 Pandemic According to Hermenuitics Social Studies | I T A L I E N I S C H
  6. 2021: Sri Murlianti and Martinus Nanang, Social Hermeneutic Analysis of Village Lockdown to Prevent the Transmission of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Bontang Kuala Village, Bontang, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proceedings available here or here Full paper (unmul.ac.id).
  7. 2021: Impact of Migration to Livelihood and Agricultural Land of Indigenous Forest-Dependent Communities in North Kalimantan, Indonesia | Atlantis Press (atlantis-press.com).
  8. 2018: Martinus Nanang, Ndan Imang. Dinamisasi Kelompok: Teknik-teknik Pembuatan Keputusan dalam Tim (Group Dynamisation: Techniques of Collective Decision Making). Unmul Press, 2018.
  9. 2017: Juniar Purba, Sri Murlianti, Martinus Nanang. Masyarakat Bugis Diaspora di Bontang Abad XX (The Bugis Diaspora in Bontang in the 20th Century). Penerbit Kepel Press, Jogjakarta.
  10. 2014: Daisuke Terauchi, Ndan Imang, Martinus Nanang, Masayuki Kawai, Mustofa Agung Sardjono, Fadjar Pambudhi, Makoto Inoue.  Implication for Designing a REDD+ Program in a Frontier of Oil Palm  Plantation Development: Evidence in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, Open Journal of Forestry, 2014, 4, 259-277, Published Online April 2014 in SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ojfhttp://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojf.2014.43033
  11. 2013: Martinus Nanang & Ndan Imang, “Group Dynamization: Techniques in making collective decision”. Published online in Bahasa Indonesia by Center for Social Forestry (CSF) Mulawarman University.
  12. 2012: Martinus Nanang, Paulus Jasmine, A. Anzieb and Agustin Nurmanina, “Adat and tradition of the Kayan People in Miau Baru, East Kalimantan: Dynamics of Social and cultural change.” The report in Bahasa Indonesia has been published in book by Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya, Pontianak, West Kalimantan (Bahasa Indonesia).
  13. 2006: Martinus Nanang. “Seasonal Wetlands and Wetland-locked People: Some Observations from Lake Jempang.” In Socio-Humanities, vol. 1, no. 2, 2006.
  14. 2006: Martinus Nanang, Harada Kazuhiro, Hyakumura Kimihiko, and Inoue Makoto. “Patterns of Behavior in Local Forest Management: Cases Studies from Indonesia and Laos.” In Socio-Humanities, Vol. 1, no. 1, 2006.
  15. 2006: Martinus Nanang. “Organized Participation in Transitional Institutions: A Preliminary Assessment in Local Forest Management.” In Socio-Humanities, Vol I, no. 1, 2007.
  16. 2004: Martinus Nanang. “Participatory Action Research: Concept and Practices. In "Indonesia Country Report 2004: Local People in Forest management and the Politics of Participation." Hayama, Kanagawa: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies.
  17. 2004: Martinus Nanang. “Forest management and Community Participation in Muara Jawa.” In Indonesia Country Report 2004: Local People in Forest management and the Politics of Participation. “Hayama, Kanagawa: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies.
  18. 2004: Martinus Nanang, Rujehan, Amir Riyantone, Samuel Nanang. “Forest Management and Community Participation in Tanjung Jan.” In Indonesia Country Report 2004: Local People in Forest management and the Politics of Participation. “Hayama, Kanagawa: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies.
  19. 2004: Martinus Nanang, Setiawati, Muhammad Arifin, Mansur. “The Community of Teluk Pandan an Issues of Forest Management in Kutai National Park.” In Indonesia Country Report 2004: Local People in Forest management and the Politics of Participation. “Hayama, Kanagawa: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies.
  20. 2003: Martinus Nanang. “Forest Values and Livelihood Uncertainty in Two Indigenous Communities of Indonesian Borneo.” In Inoue Makoto dan Hiroji Isozaki (editor). People and Forest of Southeast Asia, Russian Fareast and Japan.” Kluwer Academic Publisher.
  21. 2003: Martinus Nanang. “Response to Change in Economic Opportunity among People Affected by an Oil Palm Estate.” Published in Japanese in Inoue Makoto (editor), Asia ni Okeru Shinrin no Shosetsu to Hozen (Forest Degradation and Conservation in Asia). Tokyo: Chuo Hoki Publisher.
  22. 2003: Inoue Makoto & Martinus Nanang. “Indonesia.” In Japan Environmental Council (editor). The State of the Environment in Asia 2002/2003.” Tokyo: Springer-Verlag.
  23. 2001: Martinus Nanang. “Enhancing the Community’s Role in Forest Management: A Reference to Some Indigenous Communities of East Kalimantan.” In “IGES Policy Recommendation on Forest Conservation in the Asia-Pacific.” Proceedings of the Fourth IGES International Workshop on Forest Conservation in the Asia-Pacific 17 March 2001, The University of Tokyo, Japan. Available in: www.iges.or.jp/fc/index-e.htm.
  24. 2000: Martinus Nanang & Inoue Makoto. “Local Forest Management in Indonesia: A Contradiction Between National Policy and Reality.” In International Review for Environmental Strategies (IRES), Vol 1, no. 1, Summer 2000.
  25. 1999: Martinus Nanang. “Constraining Conditions for Local Participation in Forest Management: A case from East Kalimantan.” In “A Step Toward Forest Conservation Strategy (2): Research on Desirable Forest Management System.” Interim Report 1999 Forest conservation Project Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). Available in: www.iges.or.jp/fc/index-e.htm.
  26. 1999: Martinus Nanang. “The State as External Constraint on Local Participation in Forest Management in Indonesia.” In “The Third IGES International Workshop on Forest Conservation Strategies for The Asia and Pacific Region (Proceedings)”. Available in: www.iges.or.jp/fc/index-e.htm.
  27. 1999: Martinus Nanang. “Reformasi Paradigma Pembangunan: Dari Agenda Pertumbuhan ke Agenda Kerakyatan (The Reform in Development Paradigm: from Growth-centered Agenda to People-centered Agenda).” In Jurnal Sosial-Politika Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Mulawarman, no. 2, vol. 2, March 1999. Available in: http://fisip.unmul.ac.id.
  28. 1998: Martinus Nanang. “ Forest Management by the Bahau Sa’ People of East Kalimantan.” In“A Step Toward Forest Conservation Strategy (1): Current Status on Forest in the Asia-Pacific Region.” Interim Report 1998 Forest Conservation Project Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). Available in: www.iges.or.jp/fc/index-e.htm.
  29. 1998: Martinus Nanang. “Grassroots Political Participation: A Case of Desa Mancong, East Kalimantan.” In Jurnal Sosial-Politika Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Mulawarman, no. 1, vol. 1, March 1998. Available in: http://fisip.unmul.ac.id


  1. 2024 (13 June): Discussion on the impacts of migration to Nusantara capital city held by Bappenas. Role: Resource person.
  2. 2024 (May 29-30): The First International Conference on Forest City (ICFC), held by OIKN in cooperation with Mulawarman University. Role: invited person (day 1) and moderator (day 2). 
  3. 2024 (May 21): Indonesian National Police Dialogue: Harmonizing East Kalimantan societies to support the acceleration of the capital city  development, held in Balikpapan. Role: Resource person.
  4. 2024 (January 30): Diskusi publik RPJPD Provinsi Kaltim dengan tema: "Transformasi pembangunan menuju Kelimantan Timur maju, adil dan berkelanjutan: Pencapaian, arah kebijakan dan tantangan di era strategis" (Public discussion of the East Kalimantan Province's long term development plan with the theme: "Development transformation towards a developed, fair and sustainable East Kelimantan: Achievements, policy directions and challenges in the strategic era). Role: Panelist. 
  5. 2023 (November): Expert panel discussion on technical design of forest rehabilitation and policy design for the settlement of land control in Indonesia New Capital City Nusantara. Role: Resource person. 
  6. 2023 (June 8): Public Consultation on draft of policy on local wisdom in IKN. Role: resource person.
  7. 2023 (May 28-29): Seminar on IKN in Ampah Town, Central Kalimantan. Role: Presenting papers on challenges and opportunities of IKN for people in Central Kalimantan, Ampah in particular.
  8. 2023 (May 14): OIKN (Authority of Indonesia's New Capital City) meeting di Jakarta on drafting of policy on local wisdom. Role: Presenting paper on indigenous people in Inonesia's New Capital City.
  9. 2023 (March): Musyarawah Besar Kepala Adat Kabupaten Kutai Barat. Role: resource person presenting paper on IKN and challenges for the Dayaks.
  10. 2022 (September): International Conference of intercultural and interreligious studies (ICIIS), Denpasar. Role: Presenting paper on bifurcation of spirit in traditional belief of Dayak Benuaq. 
  11. 2022 (17-18 August): Workshop on Mapping of Southeast Asia Studies in Kualalumpur held by SEASREP Manila. Role: Submitting a research report.
  12. 2022 (June 2): IXth National Sociology Conference, Balikpapan. Role: Invited speaker. 
  13. 2022 (May 29): Virtual symposium of Borneo Raya on Indonesia’s New Capital City. Role: Participant.
  14. 2022 (February 25): International Conference of intercultural and interreligious studies (ICIIS), Denpasar. Role: Presenting paper on identity of Dayaks in diaspora.
  15. 2022 (February 22): Bali International Writing School (BIWS) Workshop, Denpasar. Role: Invited speaker.
  16. 2021 (December 11): Webinar II of Luangan Dayaks Group on “Representasi kebudayaan etnik local di IKN” (Cultural representation of local ethnic groups in the New Capital City). Role: Presenting paper.
  17. 2021 (November 20): Webinar I of Luangan Dayaks Group on “IKN Baru: Peluang dan tantangan bagi orang Dayak” (New Capital City: opportunity and challenges facing the Dayaks). Role: Presenting paper.
  18. 2021 (Novemver 2): Bappenas Meeting on Social and Cultural Aspects of the FAQ about the New National Capital City. Role: Resource person.
  19. 2021 (June 18-20): 5 th International Academic Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (IAHCS) Brussels, Belgium. Role: Presenting paper titled “Hermeneutic Analysis of Village Lockdown to Prevent the Transmission of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Bontang Kuala Village, Bontang, East Kalimantan, Indonesia” (jointly written with Sri Murlianti).
  20. 2021 (March 9): Seminar on “Pengembangan SDM Kaltim dalam menghadapi IKN” (Human resources development of East Kalimantan in Response to New National Capital City). 6 Role: Presenting paper “Skills of the Future: Penyiapan SDM Kaltim untuk mengambil peluang dari IKN”.
  21. 2021: National Webinar on Socio-cultural aspects and National Identity in designing the New National Capital, held by Ministry of PUPR. Role: Presenting paper.
  22. 2020: International Webinar on “Disaster Risk Reduction Preparedness for Covid-19 and Sustainability (SDGs 9, 11, 13), held collaboratively by RCE ESD East Kalimantan, RCE ESD East Java, and RCE ESD Srinagar India. Role: Presenting paper on indigenous practice in coping with disease pandemic.
  23. 2020: National Webinar on social resilience and food security in the time of covid-19 pandemic, held by ISKA (Ikatan Sarjana Katolik Indonesia or Indonesian Association of Catholic Scholars). Role: Presenting paper on social resilience.
  24. 2020: Expert focus group discussion on building social and cultural life in Indonesia’s New Capital City, held by University of Indonesia, Depok. Role: Reviewer of expert papers and presentations.
  25. 2020: Seminar Sempekat Tonyoi-Benuaq on the participation of Tonypi-Benuaq people in the new national capital in East Kalimantan. Role: Presenting paper on education in response to IKN.
  26. 2019: Seminar Persekutuan Dayak Kalimantan Timur (PDKT) on the participation of the Dayak People in East Kalimantan in the new national capital in East Kalimantan. Role: Presenting paper on culture and local wisdom.
  27. 2019: National dialogue on the transfer of National Capital to Kalimantan held in Balikpapan by Bappenas. Role: Resource person.
  28. 2019: Fourth Focus Group Discussion on the Socio-cultural aspects of Capital City design, held by Kementerian PUPR, in Balikpapan. Role: Resource person.
  29. 2017 (November): 8th Asian Wetland Symposium in Saga-shi, Saga Prefecture, Japan. Role: Presenting paper.
  30. 2016 (October): Research Seminar in Pontianak held by Lembaga Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Kalimantan.  Role: presenting paper of research results.
  31. 2016 (September): Biennial Borneo research Conference at Mulawarman University.  Role: Vice chair of Conference committee; Session moderator.
  32. 2014 (September): National workshop of APSSI (Asosiasi Program Studi Sosiologi Indonesia or Indonesia Association of Sociological Study Programs) in Pontianak. Role: resource person.
  33. 2013 (October): Workshop on “Conflict and Resolution: The Exploitation of Natural Resources and the Spatial Dynamics of Megacities in Southeast Asia”,  held by International Center for Interdisciplinary and Advanced Research, Indonesia Institute of Science-LIPI). Role: presenting paper.
  34. 2013 (February): Panel discussion on security issue in East Kalimantan held by Kalimantan Timur Regional Police (POLDA Kaltim). Role: Panelist, presenting paper on ethnic conflict analysis.
  35. 2012 (November): IRSA’s seminar on Development, Environment and the People of Kalimantan in Banjarmasin. IRSA stands for Indonesian Regional Scientists Association. Role: Presenting paper on Dayak’s adapting strategy to change.
  36. 2012 (August): National seminar on Social Impact of Cash Transfer, held by Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta. Role: Presenting paper.
  37. 2011: Persekutuan Dayak Kalimantan Timur (PDKT) Seminar on the Role of Adat and the Dayaks’ right over land. Role: Presenting paper.
  38. 2008: National Seminar on Forestry Devolution and Decentralization in Indonesia, organized by Center for Social Forestry (CSF), Mulawarman UniversityRole: Participant.
  39. 2008: International Conference of poverty reduction and forest organized by RECOPTC, Bangkok. Role: participant.
  40. 2007 (July): Roundtable discussion on Asian community forestry network held by Center for Social Forestry (CSF) Mulawarman University in cooperation with Asian Public Intellectuals (API) funded by Nippon Foundation. Role: Presenting paper.
  41. 2005 (August): International workshop, “From forest management to ecotourism” organized by Indonesian Institute of Sciences in cooperation with Toyota Foundation. Jakarta. Role: Presenting paper.
  42. 2005 (May): Seminar on the Socio-economic Impact of the sedimentation of Lake Melintang and Lake Semayang organized by Kutai Kertanegara District Research and Development Center. Role: Reviewer of the research report of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI).
  43. 2005 (February): Asian Wetland Symposium in Bhubaneshwar, Orissa, India. Organized by Ramsar Center Japan in cooperation with the State Government of Orissa, India. Role: Presenting paper.
  44. 2004 (December): International Workshop on “Bridging between research and practice toward the realization of collaborative forest governance in West Kutai District, Indonesia”  at  the University of Tokyo, organized by Forest Conservation Project Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and The 21st COE-Program of The University of Tokyo, Japan. Role: Presenting paper.
  45. 2004 (August-September):  Seminar on Strengthening the Asia Forest Partnership, Jogyakarta, Indonesia. Role: Presenting paper on behalf of IGES.
  46. 2003 (October): International workshop on forest conservation in Far East Russia, Laos and Indonesia, organized by IGES and Economic Research Institute (ERI) in Khabarovsk, Russia. Role: Presenting paper.
  47. 2003 (August): BIO-REFOR workshop in Jogyakarta, Indonesia. Role: Presenting paper.
  48. 2001: Chiang Mai, Thailand: Conference on “Community Forestry Innovation” organized by FAO Asia-Pacific Regional Office, Regional Community Traning Center (RECOPTC) Bangkok, IUCN, etc. Role: Participant.
  49. 2001 (January): Fourth International Workshop and Conference on Forest Conservation in the Asia-Pacific, The University of Tokyo, Japan. Role: Panelist.
  50. 2000: Eco-Asia, Asian environmental conference in Tokyo, Japan. Role: Observer.
  51. 1999: Third International Workshop on Forest Conservation in the Asia-Pacific, The University of Tokyo, Japan. Role: Presenting paper.
  52. 1998: APNEC IV (Asia-Pacific NGOs Environmental Conference), National University of Singapore, Singapore; and IGES second international workshop on forest conservation in the Asia-Pacific. Role: moderator.


  • Indonesian (OK).
  • English (OK).
  • Japanese (basic).
  • Latin (basic).
  • Dayak Benuaq ethnic language (mother tongue).
  • Dayak Tonyoi (Tunjung) ethnic language (OK).
  • Javanese (good enough). 

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